Happy Birthday To Carol!

The LG Report is extremely honoured today (that's an intentional high-class British spelling, thank you very much governor) to be the first guest blogger ever over at Facing 50 With Humour , the very, very entertaining blog of our good friend Carol. 

To compound this honour (again, high-class British spelling, not a typo, mate), today is Carol's birthday.  LG doesn't believe Carol when she says that she's 50 because she looks -- and certainly writes/acts -- much younger.  She's a very funny, insightful and talented blogger who recently had her first book published.  LG is going to read said book, "Mini Skirts and Laughter Lines" and will be posting an interview with Carol soon thereafter.  Hard copies will be available in bookstores shortly, but it's available as an e-book right now.  Please click on the book's title above to see a YouTube video trailer about the book and to learn how to order it.

Click HERE and you'll be transported to LG's guest post on Carol's site. 

Be forewarned, however: If you're a Brit, or an Anglophile, you may be slightly offended.  For example, if you abhor the stereotype of British people with bad teeth, you won't want to check out the guest post.

The effects of the WWII toothpaste shortage still show up in England. And this guy is a dentist

Or if you dislike people making fun of Heather Mills, David Beckham, William Shakespeare or other trendy British celebs, you might not like the post.  Other than that, feel free to check it out.  And take a look at some of Carol's other posts, you may very well want to follow her blog if you don't already.

Thanks for stopping by, as always.  LG's next post will be pretty funny, to him anyway (and that's all he really cares about) but it may offend our female readers a bit.  But that's OK, only about 95% of our readers are women. Ah, you'll like it, if you're reading this far down, you have a healthy sense of humour (still with the British spelling, in honour of Carol's birthday.)  

We also have an interview with Bouncin' Barb coming up soon, as soon as LG gets around to formulating the questions. 

And please check out Carol's book, LG is sure it's awesome.

See you back here again soon.  Thanks for stopping by.