Cocktail Party Update

A number of readers expressed an interest in hearing about Friday night's "Welcome to the Sticks" cocktail party. 

Well, it wasn't so bad. 

It was pretty fun, actually.

As you may recall, The Bride and LG had a dispute over whether people would bring their "ankle biters" (as one commentator on The LG Report called them), a.k.a. kids, to the party. 

LG thought that nobody would and The Bride insisted that babysitters were used only sparingly in the 'burbs and that children would be on hand.

LG is happy to report that no children were in attendance, save for the hosts' 14-year old son who showed up very late in the game, and, thus, LG was right (yet again.)   

Two semi-highlights of the party [Editor's Note: There were about 15 - 18 people in attendance, all very cool]:

  • At one point, LG was speaking to a gentleman who is a native of Spain and speaks fluent Spanish. LG asked him what the difference was between Spanish and Catalan (click here for more info).     The new neighbor replied "Italian?  That's a separate language spoken by people from Italy."   If he wasn't such a nice guy, we'd give him a major "Duuuuuuuuuuuuuh dude!"   So we won't.
  • One neighbor, a middle-aged male, said of LG: "I like this guy, he makes me look good!"  Now, just to set the record straight for those of you who know LG, there was no fake snot, rubber dog poo or plastic roaches involved when this gentleman said that.  He was merely referring to the fact that when the idea of a new neighbor cocktail party was originally proposed, LG offered to have it as his house. That, apparently, was a no-no in the minds of all women present, as LG's Bride had not yet primped up the new pad to her satisfaction.   Judging by the looks on the other wives faces, you'd think that LG had suggested that we skewer their children and cook them on the new Weber Grill.  LG always reserves that suggestion for the second cocktail party.  
So overall, it was quite the enjoyable evening, with no major incidents of which to speak.

Please come back again soon, as The LG Report's Interview Series will soon sit down with perhaps the most provocative guest yet....

Thanks for stopping by!