And The Winner Is...

Romeo, oh Romeo! Here art thou Romeo! 


Romeo, a native of South Africa, whose mother Linda is the author of the excellent food and wine blog known as The Squashed Tomato (that's a live link folks, be careful!), earned taken top honors in The LG Report's Second Annual Cutest Pet Contest.   

LG has taken the liberty of rotating the original photo of heartthrob Romeo so that you can see him straight up, sorta.  A nice bag of premium dog treats will soon by winging its way to Romeo's South African home from The LG Report's Corporate Headquarters.  

LG and the entire staff here at The LG Report would like to thank all of the adorable entrants and their parents for submitting their photos to the contest.  More than one person commented that all of the competitors were cute, and that they were all winners.  Very true, very true.  Hopefully you all enjoyed seeing the great pictures of all the cuties.  We really did have a high-quality field this year. 

LG closes out the contest with this bit of wisdom, taken from a sign hanging in his sister MIG's TV room:  "Be the kind of person that your dog thinks you are."  Amen.
LG would like to give a hearty and heartfelt shout-out to his blogging friend Carol, author of the seriously entertaining Facing 50 With Humour.  

We stole this photo of Carol from her blog.  Hopefully, she doesn't mind. 
LG never visits Carol's blog without harvesting both laughs and knowledge.  Based in the U.K., Carol offers some very amusing insights on life (marriage seems to be one of her specialties) and can certainly turn a phrase (more on that in a minute.)   

Carol was kind enough to create a "blog button" for LG, which, LG believes, is something that you can copy and import to your own blog if you're so inclined (we know you're not, don't say it...)  That's it over in the right hand column, featuring the picture of the relaxing dog.  

Anyway, LG cannot thank Carol enough for her generosity and support and he strongly suggests that you stop by her blog if you haven't already, it's awesome.  Oh, and about Carol's phraseology.  When giving LG instructions on how to get the blog button set up, she finished with the phrase "And then Bob's your uncle."  This, apparently, is what people say in the U.K. when they've finished giving instructions on how to do something (Google it if you don't believe.)  

LG had never heard the phrase before and finds it fascinating.  Hopefully, you do too. 
So, once again, thanks to all of the pets and their parents for participating in the contest, and a very special thanks to Carol for creating The LG Report's blog button.  LG isn't exactly sure, but he thinks that you can just place your cursor over the button and right click on "copy" and then....Bob's your uncle!!  (You knew LG had to get that in there...)

Thanks for stopping by folks, hope to see you back again soon.