The LG Report's Cutest Pet Contest Kicks Off!

AT&T just announced that it's buying T-Mobile USA. The deal took weeks to negotiate.  It would've been consummated sooner, but the calls kept getting dropped.
This is not an actual contestant, but rather a paid celebrity spokesmodel.

The LG Report is happy to announce its Second Annual Cutest Pet Contest!* 

[*Last year it was technically a "Cutest Dog Contest," but this time around we're being more politically correct.]

The winning pet will receive a pet-appropriate gift and/or treats.  Employees of The LG Report and their pets are not eligible. No purchase necessary.  Void where prohibited by law (Note: It's not prohibited anywhere, we just want to sound official.)  

Here are the rules

1.  Please submit a photo of your pet entrant, along with its name and age, to by 5pm on Monday, March 28th.  You may also include one sentence describing said pet, any peculiarities/talents it may have and/or why it deserves to win.

2. You may enter as many pets as you'd like as long you submit a separate photo for each. 

3.  Dogs who were entered in last year's LG Report's Cutest Dog Contest are eligible for this year's competition (except for last year's winner, Skipper, who retires a champ), but a new photo must be submitted.

4.  Voting instructions will be provided in the post which reveals the photos of all the entrants (sometime after March 28th.)  

5. Clarification:  Jessee, over at Jessee's Spot,   wrote to LG to say that she doesn't personally own a pet, but that she would like to enter a friend's pet in the contest. We'll allow people to enter pets of family members and friends as long as it's a real pet who they actually "know" and not just a photo plucked off the internet or some animal whose picture was randomly snapped in public.  Please, don't be a pet fraud.      

Here's what some of last year's contestants had to say about the experience:

"I thought I'd be competing against a bunch of bitches, but everyone was really nice."

"The LG Report's contest was awesome.  I was totally stressed at work -- every day seemed like 'Hump Day' -- and the thrill of competing pulled me through."

"It was so fun to meet all of the contestants and to sniff some really nice butts.  I think my pet enjoyed it too."

So round up your photos and send 'em in; a great prize (and international notoriety) awaits the winner!